
Meet Hercules…
Hercules came to GDFRL as a stray from an animal shelter. Very little is known about his past but he has an amazing future. Hercules came to GDFRL about a month ago as an intact male and weighed only 97 pounds. He was infested with hookworms, had a double ear infection, a bacterial skin infection, a UTI, and a very uncooperative happy tail (IYKYK). Most of these are all common medical issues with dogs who have been on their own and had to fend for themselves. Over the next several weeks, all his medical issues were handled while steadily gaining weight and getting healthy. The only issues that remain are the happy tail and the neuter. When the neuter occurs his tail is going to be docked. Why? Because of his personality.
Hercules has obviously lived in a house with people and other dogs. He is excited to ride in a car and easily made the transition back into house living. He is good with other dogs but his true heart is being with people!! Hercules will ignore other dogs for any attention from any person, anywhere, at any time! He LOVES people, despite how badly people have failed him. He loves Everyone! He will rush over to get loves from any person that makes eye contact with him. Hercules loves people so much and is so happy that his tail never stops. And it is not your average tail wag. It is fully engaged and high speed. His hips don’t lie, because they wiggle too, and help his tail reach near supersonic speeds just about a half second before the tail impacts something. The wall, the kennel, the table, your leg, your head when you bend down to give him love…it is non-stop. Most dogs wag their tails in relation to how they feel. Hercules is crazy happy all the time, so his tail is flying so far and so fast that it hits his shoulders as it swings back and forth. However, the repeated damage requires the end of his tail be removed. Even after that, the tail wagging will continue and will likely rupture again. The end of his tail is granulated badly and is likely to never stop breaking open and bleeding. Docking his tail will relieve him of that for the remainder of his life and give him the freedom to wiggle those hips as much as he wants.
Hercules is approximately two years old. He still has sooo much puppy in him. He loves to run and play fetch and tug and all the things a dog his age is supposed to do. His favorite game is when two or three people are standing apart and they call him one at a time. He will run as fast as his awkward gate will take him (which is hilariously slow), to each in sequence until he gets too tired, or he sees something shiny and gets distracted. He is just as happy to be in your lap as running and playing. I mean, have you looked at that face? What he lacks in smarts he makes up for in sweetness. He needs a warning label that says he may cause diabetes due to sweetness overload.
Did I mention he loves people? Especially women. Although, there are some things that need work. Herc is as sweet as they come, however he came to us with little-to-no manners. Even at a mildly thin 115 pounds he is a bull! He is a very strong dog. When his foster parents got him, he would get to the end of his leash and apply 100% of his strength to pull where he wanted to go. However, with just a few minutes of training, and with the correct equipment, he quickly realized pulling was no longer an option. Herc also really likes food. This is normal for a dog that has nearly starved while on his own. We have put in place some behaviors that are required from him before he is allowed to eat. He has to sit and wait patiently in order to be fed. He is getting better with each day, but it’s hard for his one track mind to make his body sit still. Though he is not food aggressive and lets you mess with it, pick it up, and take it away. He will give you the sad baby eyes and a massive guilt trip, but that’s all. Herc is also a bit mouthy. Think of a small, three month old puppy that likes to put your fingers in his mouth and nibble. Now, replace that puppy with a 115 pound Dane with a massive head and jaw line. Commonly, your hand will completely disappear inside his mouth. He does not bite down, he will just hold your hand or arm for a second, and then let go. He only does it when he is really happy, like when you come home after being gone for a long time, which in his mind is walking to the mailbox or leaning out the door to pick up a package. We do not encourage this action and we do not acknowledge it, but it is part of his personality that may make some uncomfortable. Admittedly, it is a little unnerving when it happens the first time but his intent is not to harm, only to hold and express his love. It would still need to be either corrected or managed.
Herc is not athletic. He is not overly energetic either. He is an awkward clutz. Herc will need training for sure, but talk about a diamond in the rough. So, if you are looking for a young, very strong, bull headed, loving, always happy to see you, hand holding, arm nibbling, LOW MENTAL VOLTAGE, dufus of a best friend that, with guidance, will be a companion that will be able to go anywhere with you and do anything as long as he is by your side…… check out Hercules… (other acceptable names, “Bull”, “Dozer”, “Clem”, “Hey! Give Me My Hand Back” Etc..)..


Sweet and cuddly Cash came in neglected and underweight from a family that had a new baby. Despite that he demonstrates unconditional love for humans and his Dane foster sister. This sweet 6 month old boy was very weak and skinny (although his wagging tail didn’t get the memo). With a heart of gold, his calm and loveable face just wants to be rested on you at all times to show his love and appreciation.

He now has enough energy to do zoomies and wrestle about with his foster sister. He’s experienced camping, being out in public settings whether it be a musical night or behaving well at a restaurant. He has found his voice and sounds like a hippo when he’s wrestling.

He is crate trained and 95% of the time does not have any accidents. He would do well with other dogs. He has not really been exposed to cats or children, but his calm and sweet nature makes us think that he would thrive in any environment.

Cash has a slight mischievous side, but only because he loves food so much and can sniff it out very well. Since he has gained strength, he may need a bit more leash training and we are working on that, but has proven he is able to learn commands and wants to please his human. We cannot imagine an easier Dane puppy!

*** Giant breed experience required and a fenced yard. If interested in Cash email us at info@greatdanefriends.com for an application. Cash is being fostered in Charlotte NC


Grayson came to GDFRL after having been picked up as a stray and landed at a local shelter. He’s been fostered for 2 months allowing him to slowly come out of his shell a little because he was very shy.

He’s estimated to be about 9 months old, so he still needs to be neutered. He loves going for a walk, playing with his toys, and running around in the yard. He walks well on leash, but more training would be helpful. He rides well in the car but is hesitant at times about getting in and out.

Grayson is house and crate trained. He is crated at night and when being left at home. He currently lives with four cats and is respectful of their space. He does not get on furniture, but it wouldn’t take much encouragement if you are okay with it!

Grayson has shown no resource guarding with food or toys. He is food/treat motivated and has quickly learned to sit before getting things he wants. He is hesitant around strangers, both humans and dogs, and needs slow introductions. Grayson quickly attached himself to his foster mom and is generally more comfortable around females. He just needs a little more time and reassurance with males. He is a constant and loyal companion (Velcro)!

If interested in Grayson you can email us to start the application process at info@greatdanefriends.com. A fenced yard is required and since he is on the shy side we would recommend no small fast moving kids 12 yr and up only. He is being fostered in Charlotte NC


My name is Jack and I have been told I am quite handsome but I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I am a one year old Dane or Dane/St. Bernard mix – my Momma didn’t talk much about Dad so that’s sort of a question mark. Being one year old though means I have a puppy brain in a big ol’ adult body. One of my favorite things is to invade your personal space and have my forehead kissed and be told what a good boy I am. My other favorite thing is to run around and jump on and mouth my foster mom. She has informed me that even if I have the softest, most gentle jowly mouth, it is still unacceptable. That puppy brain of mine is still working on trying to remember that. I have lots to learn still because my first family didn’t treat me very nice. I was hungry and hurt and the nice policeman told them to take me to the vet, but they didn’t care enough. That nice policeman cared though. He came and got me and I stayed at a place called “the shelter” for few months – it was great! They fed me three square meals a day ‘cuz they said a boy like me shouldn’t weigh only 95lbs. They gave me love and pets and lots of squeaky toys every single day – WOW! The judge man finally decided there was No way, José my first family was getting me back, so Great Dane Friends came to get me.

Now I am ready to find a family to teach me everything a big dane puppy needs to know in this world and give me loads of love forever and ever. Here’s a few things my foster momma says I am already good at: – Housetraining – I had some accidents the first couple of days because I got confused ‘cuz the front door and the back door are basically in the same part of the house – what the heck! I scratched at the front door sometimes and sometimes I would stand by the back door but now me and foster mom have it all figured out and no more accidents – YAY!

If you have a confusing door setup though, you might have to be patient at first but I promise we’ll get it figured out. – I might not have had the best start in life, but it hasn’t scarred me. So far I haven’t met a stranger and I don’t really get nervous in new situations. People seem to just want to love on me and I am A-OK with that.

I haven’t been around any little kids yet with foster mom but she seems to think I would be OK with them. Just see above about the jumping and mouthing naughtiness that sometimes still gets the best of me.

So far, so good on meeting new dogs although when I see them out in the world I do feel the need to bark at them – and momma says I got a big bark. I’m still also getting used to my foster sister because I had to get some boy bits removed and I couldn’t play while I healed. Foster sister is a little cray, cray if you ask me. She makes growly sounds and jumps on my head but then when I jump back at her to play she screams like I’ve hurt her when I haven’t even laid a paw on her – she’s a tad bit dramatic. The cool thing she taught me though is how to sing with the sirens. It turns out that I have a very good voice and American Idol will definitely be in my future. 

And then there’s kitties…They make delicious tootsie rolls and place them in a box for me. The kitties themselves are a bit concerning – they growl and hiss at me. I even very gently reached my paw up to touch a floofy tail and that did not go over well at all. I decided it was best to just walk away and soothe my hurt feelings with another tootsie roll.

Foster momma said she doesn’t quite trust me to be unsupervised in the house, but I am OK with hanging in the crate. I just prefer there to be a Kong stuffed with yummy things to make my confinement bearable. – If you would like to eat some of my kibble when I am having dinner, I will share with you. Ditto, if you want to look at my chew treat but please return it to me ‘cuz I reeeeeally like them. Since I share with you humans, I sort of assumed you all want to share with me, but foster momma said taking food from her plate is poor manners – UGH – so many rules!!!

How is a young boy to remember them all?!?!? I’m right here waiting for you forever family, so just contact Great Dane Friends and they’ll put us in touch.

Love, Jack.

Email us at info@greatdanefriends if interested in adopting Jack. Jack will require a fenced yard and he is being fostered in Mooresville NC


Gus is a ~seven month old Dane who came in very underweight and is now living his best toddler-teen Dane life.

Full of energy and mischief, he is doing his best to learn boundaries and be a polite leash walker. He is crate trained and while he does do well out and about and takes redirection well, he’s also very agile and delights in squirming into exactly the places he shouldn’t be in so continued training, awareness and ability to keep him in a safe place while you are gone (crating or otherwise) is a must. He is a roughhouser and loves wrestling with his doggie foster siblings and playing with toys. He would do well with other dogs, or as an only dog in a home able to dedicate time to expending his high puppy energy!

Due to his rambunctious nature and rough and tumble large puppy energy, he would do best in a home with no children or older children/teens. He is very sweet and cuddly in between bursts of energy, and his quick learning is serving him well as he grows. He will be (and already is) a magnificent dog!

**Giant breed experience required and a fenced yard.

If interested in adopting email us at info@greatdanefriends.com for an application


Achilles is a 5 year bundle of squishy love!!

He is very docile and non-reactive around other dogs big or small, male or female. Shows no signs of food aggression or resource guarding. He can be trusted in the house, but when his foster family is not home he is confined to a separate room (no need to crate him, but he’s fine in a crate as well). He is not destructive. He’s very curious and follows us everywhere and just wants to be attached to us.

If you are getting some ice…he comes running. Achilles runs and plays with his foster brother and sister. His favorite toys are a mostly deflated soccer ball and a big bucket he found.

The vet said he was so easy and just stood there and let them draw blood and give him an exam. They have a resident cat he walked up to say hello to and didn’t do anything beyond sniffing. Everyone he meets falls in love with this squishy boy. He has the greatest expressions and will “talk” to you when he wants something (food, go outside). Doesn’t bark when seeing neighbors or walking dogs or if anyone comes to the door.

We are working on his leash manners, but that is slow going. He wants to lead and pull to meet everyone ! He is good with kids, rides great in the car and even likes the water! He will climb right in the bath tub for a bath!

Achilles is being fostered in Mooresville NC. If interested in adopting you can email us at info@greatdanefriends.com


Meet Jackson!

He is a 2 1/2-3 yr old stray, who was found hiding under a tree, on the side of a highway. He had no microchip & was weighed in at only 70lbs. He has been steadily gaining weight (97lbs now) & enjoys fresh foods added to his regular dog food. Nothing but the best for this boy! He also takes treats very gently & is learning basic commands.

He would love a family who is willing to continue his training & work on his socialization. He loves praise & is attentive to learning. When he landed in rescue, he was scared of everything, even squeak toys. But he loves bones, a stuffed Kong, & some plush toys. Jackson is currently being fostered with a cat & does well…until the cat decides to be the Cat BOSS…causing him to retreat to safe quarters. He is not confrontational at all.

Jackson does well with other dogs & is so cute when he play bows with them. He also rides in the car like a champ. And did you notice his Merle marking freckles on his muzzle & ears? So handsome!

Jackson is being fostered in Thomasville NC. If interested in Jackson you can email us at info@greatdanefriends.com for an application.


Meet Bob!

He is a 18 month old neutered male Dane. Bob is such a special guy! Bob has survived a significant amount of trauma in his short life. His previous family’s home was lost in a fire. Thankfully, all 4 of the family’s dogs were able to get out alive.

However, once in temporary housing, the family was no longer able to keep the dogs. The 3 little dogs were sent to a rescue, but Bob was left abandoned in the backyard after the fire. Bob was terrified when he was brought into rescue. Since being in his foster home, Bob has made huge strides coming out of his shell. He absolutely loves small dogs and cats. He’s learning how to be with big dogs, as his foster home has dogs of all sizes, including another Great Dane. He enjoys car rides and rides calmly in the car. When first put on a leash, he melted onto the floor. He’s learning how to walk on a leash with a lot of positive reinforcement, but it’s something that does make him nervous.

He’s a love bug with so much life in him! He just needs someone patient to help him learn how to trust again! He would do well in a home with another confident dog to help guide him, but this isn’t necessary for adoption. He is house trained and has lived with kids and was good with them.

Since Bob has been through so much and needs to build some confidence we would recommend kids 8 yrs and up. He is being fostered in Asheville NC and will require a fenced yard. If interested in Bob you can email us at info@greatdanefriends.com for an application.


Meet Poppy! Poppy is a 3 year old Dane that was at a local surrender as a stray. We don’t have a lot of info on her previous life but we do know she has had several litters. Poppy evaluated well at the shelter but sometimes in a shelter environment you don’t always get a good read on a dog because they are stressed. Now…don’t take that wrong…she is an amazingly sweet sweet girl! But… she is not so great with other dogs IN the home. She can go out in public and be around other dogs with a confident owner that is good at reading her signals if she is stressed. She doesn’t bark or lunge or any of that nonsense unless she is with a “soft” owner and one where she feels they are not in control or confident. But… if a dog invades her space or their energy is too much she will let them know and fire off.
Poppy LOVES her people and wants to be as close as she can. She is a first class cuddler! You need to keep food off the counters because this girl came in hungry and even though she is now getting regular meals she can counter surf like a pro! Since Poppy was a little rough around the edges we sent this beauty off to training. While she was there they worked on her being able to be OK around other dogs in public and also worked on desensitizing her on storms. Sister has some storm anxiety but if she is in her XXL kennel will settle. If you are at home and a storm rolls up…just put her in place with her place command and she will lay down and you won’t hear a peep!
Did we say how incredibly smart this girl is?? She is food motivated and would be great with a family that would want to continue training and keep her mind stimulated! Her trainer had a 5 month old and she was great with them…even gave her sweet kisses! Poppy rides great in the car, house trained and good on leash.
Poppy is up to date on all vaccines, spayed and has had her stomach tacked to prevent gastric torsion.
You see when you adopt a new dog they need DECOMPRESSION time! Her new home had visitors almost immediately and lots of neighborhood kids in and out and that stressed her. She never properly got to decompress and bond and feel safe with her new family. So…she developed some guarding behaviors. She came back and is now being fostered with her trainer and he will work with and provide training to a new adopter.
This is what Poppy needs:
1. No other dogs IN the home. She can be TOTALLY fine in public with other dogs.
2. Kids 12 yrs+
3. Fenced Yard
4. Dog savvy owner that is CONFIDENT and provide structure for Poppy
SHE IS AMAZING ! She is sweet and affectionate but if she is with an owner that is a push over and not confident she will feel the need to guard. She is house and crate trained and loves to go for rides.
If interested in Poppy send us an email at greatdanefriends.com



Maya - Sanctuary Pup
Maya has been one of our long term complex medical cases. When Maya initially came to the rescue, she had a long term history of urinary incontinence since she was about 6 months old. She spent a majority of her life wearing diapers. Because of this, Maya went through at least 3 different homes before age 2 and a half before coming to GDFRL. We hoped that Maya’s issues were uti’s that would be fixed by repairing her hooded vulva, but it was found that she had a lot more going on. Maya was urinating blood and incredibly uncomfortable, although you wouldn’t have known it based on her happy go lucky demeanor. Maya came to us with a rare form of bacteria that caused a condition called Encrusting Cystitis. This bacteria was essentially a superbug that formed infection so severe, it caused plaques and “masses” throughout her urinary tract. Upon initial ultrasound, it was believed that she had bladder cancer, but after undergoing a cystoscopy procedure, they determined that it was caused by a potentially fatal infection. The infection spread to over 70% of her urinary tract which can be fatal, but thankfully, GDFRL stepped in and got her the intensive care she needed at NC state. Maya has since undergone multiple cystoscopies to scrape out the bacteria and perform multiple antibiotic infusions directly into her bladder. She has also had her hooded vulva repaired to help reduce her recurring UTIs. In addition, she had a major surgery to re-route her urinary tract that was likely formed abnormally before birth and was contributing to bacteria overgrowth. While Maya still struggles with recurring UTIs, she is now monitored very closely with regular urine cultures and trips to NCSU. She still leaks urine occasionally but has graduated from doggy diapers! Maya is the true definition of a trooper, as she has handled numerous surgeries and procedures, yet still remains a favorite (and VIP) by all of her vet staff. While she may face a lot of medical battles, she is a spunky young girl who loves to play fetch with her two-legged foster siblings, take walks, and wrestle (always gently) with her 15 lb foster fur-brother.

Help Us Help Maya

Please consider donating towards the medical costs of our sanctuary dogs. Their special medical needs should not keep them from a happy life that’s as pain-free as possible.
Your support makes this possible.