Meet Eddie!


Eddie is 2 yrs old. In his first week with our rescue, we spent $2500 on his diagnosis and medical care, and we appreciate the love and support from our community with donations during his first weeks with us. He was on anti-inflammatories for the first 3 months and now is doing well on maintenance care. We are going to explore possibly getting him Gold Bead implants when he’s older, per his vet’s recommendation.

The monthly maintenance routines to keep our happy boy moving around the best he can includes both cold laser therapy and acupuncture treatments at $55 each, Assisi Loop, NSAID prescriptions, joint supplements including 4000mg per day of fish oil, as well as other supplements. He is doing very well with treatments and has improved mobility! Eddie can even do short hikes now!

This boy is such a sweet, loving soul who just exemplifies everything we love about Great Dane personalities. Loving, goofy, playful, cuddly…to us, he is perfect.

Thank you to everyone that has already donated to Eddie’s care and to anyone that has shared his story. Social media works!

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Our Monthly Cost for Eddie:  $500/mo

Help Us Help Eddie

Please consider donating towards the medical costs of our sanctuary dogs. Their special medical needs should not keep them from a happy life that’s as pain-free as possible.
Your support makes this possible. 

Learn About Danes

How tall are Great Danes?

Any special considerations?

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Dog Introductions

How you introduce new dogs to your existing furry family is one of the most important aspects of a new adoption. It’s best to have a calm introduction on neutral territory. We are happy to provide information to new adopters!

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